Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Royal, Iowa
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Education Ministry

Chris Michael
Youth and Family Ministry Director
Our King's Camp program is held after school on Wednesdays, from mid-September through April. Three-year-olds through fifth grade gather for fun, music, Bible stories and prayer. The first hour (3:30-4:30) consists of time with an adult for conversation, games and teaching, as well as 15 minutes of music. The second hour (4:30-5:30) uses the "Young Children and Worship" approach, with stories, teaching and prayer in three age groupings.

The church is located only one block from the elementary school, so our program is convenient for parents. We strive to encourage children to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ by learning Bible stories and how to serve others with the love of the Savior.

Vacation Bible School Day Camp is much anticipated every year. Over 100 children from surrounding communities gather for four days in June, 9:00-2:00 with a delicious lunch provided at no charge. The dates for 2011 are June 20-23. Call us to sign up in May!

First Communion classes are provided for fifth grade students and any others who are prepared for this instruction. Pastor Mechler leads this class during the season of Lent (six weeks prior to Easter) each year. Bible stories, memorization, and even skits are used to learn about the sacrament and its value as a means of grace for our forgiveness. The Milestones Ministry Team leads one session in which the students make the bread for the congregation's use during Holy Week.

The students take their first communion on Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. This service commemorates Jesus' last supper with his disciples, so it is a meaningful time for them to celebrate this milestone in their lives.

Confirmation Instruction is provided for our 6th-8th grade students from mid-September through early May. The students have the convenience of coming to the church after school-only a block away. This year we are beginning a new series, in which the students will learn key Bible stories. Elements of Luther's Small Catechism, which includes the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles Creed and the Ten Commandments, can be found in these stories and will be highlighted. In addition, we offer faith practices and conversation starters to use at home with their families. Personal, trusted relationships such as the parent-child bond is key in developing faith, so we strive to foster talk about faith in the home. Service to others is a component that completes the picture of our confirmation teaching.

Each Bethlehem student is provided with a prayer partner, arranged by the Milestones Ministry Team. This is a very helpful program that develops relationships between the students and other members of the congregation-another vital component of faith development.

We share in this program with Hope Lutheran Church, Everly. Their pastor helps teach the class, and we are glad to have their students in our program.

Luther League is our ministry with high school youth. It is an exciting ministry that is growing due to the addition of our youth director, Chris Michael. Weekly Bible studies, participation in worship, fund-raisers, ecumenical events and summer trips are components of this ministry.

Our mission is to grow young adults emotionally and spiritually as disciples of Jesus Christ through Word, Sacrament and service, as members of his body. Does that sound dull? It isn't! We are discovering all the ways Jesus extends his grace to us, and how he calls us to be his hands and feet in the world he loves. We are developing our gifts as leaders of the church of Jesus Christ, and we anticipate God's work through us in the future!

We share in this ministry with Hope Lutheran Church in Everly. Our weekly Bible studies are held in their building, a convenient spot since the Clay Central/Everly High School is located in Everly.

Adult class is provided every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. during the school year. The group often studies the text that will be the theme in worship, but occasionally we also used other studies.

Adult Bible studies are provided if you want to meet during the week with a small group. Many people say that a Bible study group is their most meaningful connection with their faith, and the most significant factor in their spiritual growth.

Study topics in the past year have included prayer and The Jesus Creed. The groups determine the studies that fit their needs, but they also join in on series that are addressed in worship from time to time. Call the church office (712-933-2229) if you would like to join or start a small group.


Click here for a Children's Ministries Pamphlet.

All text and original graphics © Bethlehem Lutheran Church
207 Church St, Royal, IA 51357